Parler anglais

by Choses à Savoir · · ·

Je m'appelle Ben, je vis à Londres et je vous propose d'apprendre l'anglais avec moi.

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Can you name the three famous figures from history?
Hear about Ben's exciting day of sunrises, hiking and scary bridges in Costa Rica!
Phrasal verbs with 'go' April 12, 2023
How many phrasal verbs can you think of with the verb 'go'?
Are you using these words correctly?
What's the missing word? April 9, 2023
6 sentences. Two missing words. Can you find them?
Monkeys, sloths, iguanas and spiders all feature in Ben's review of one of Costa Rica's most famous attractions
Ben analyses a classic Bill Withers song.
Ben discusses this very difficult grammar point
Can you replace the word or expression with a phrasal verb?
Ben talks about rain, birds and coffee in Costa Rica.
Ben looks at what he could have, should have and would have done differently in the past...
Correct the mistakes March 27, 2023
Can you find and correct the mistakes in Ben's sentences?
March pub quiz March 26, 2023
8 general knowledge questions for you to answer
In part five, Ben talks about the paradise island of Fernando de Noronha
What's the missing word? March 22, 2023
6 sentences. Two missing words. Can you find them?
Is it: 'I have been doing' or 'I have done'? Ben looks at how to use the present perfect continuous tense
Ben looks at how to politely deal with misunderstandings.
In part four, Ben explains how a vaccine significantly changed his travel plans!
Phrasal verbs with 'take' March 15, 2023
How many phrasal verbs with 'take' can you name?
Ben looks at how to use 'how long' sentences.