Cycle Europe - Ivan Krastev 4/4 : Divergence or Convergence? Oct. 14, 2021

from Collège de France - Sélection·

Samantha Besson Droit international des institutions Collège de France Année 2021-2022 Ivan Krastev - Conférencier invité - Cycle europe du Collège de France : L'angoisse du déclin. Démocratie, démographie et clivage Est-Ouest en Europe 4/4 Conference in English (Conférence en anglais) The concluding lecture examines the future of the East-West Divide. It tries to analyze the conditions under which Central European societies will adopt the values and norms that are more common to the Western societies and under what kind of conditions Central European style illiberalism could get support in the West. The lecture argues that the ways in which …

Samantha Besson

Droit international des institutions

Collège de France

Année 2021-2022

Ivan Krastev - Conférencier invité - Cycle europe du Collège de France : L'angoisse du déclin. Démocratie, démographie et clivage Est-Ouest en Europe 4/4

Conference in English (Conférence en anglais)

The concluding lecture examines the future of the East-West Divide. It tries to analyze the conditions under which Central European societies will adopt the values and norms that are more common to the Western societies and under what kind of conditions Central European style illiberalism could get support in the West. The lecture argues that the ways in which the shrinking ethnocultural majorities in the EU member states try to preserve their power and identity in the face of population decline and increasing migration will be a defining factor in shaping both the future of the European Union and the nature of European democracies.