Conférence - Harold E. Varmus : How Do Scientific Discoveries Affect the Way We Live? How Studies of a Chicken Virus Changed Cancer Therapy March 11, 2024

from Collège de France - Sélection·

Edith Heard Collège de France Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire Cours 2023-2024 Conférence - Harold E. Varmus : How Do Scientific Discoveries Affect the Way We Live? How Studies of a Chicken Virus Changed Cancer Therapy Harold E. Varmus Prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine Résumé The main theme of the second lecture concerns the way in which fundamental biological research (as an example, my own work to identify and characterize the genes that produce cancers in animals) can produce important benefits for society (e.g., by leading to better treatments of common lethal human diseases, like cancer). I will also comment …

Edith Heard

Collège de France

Epigénétique et mémoire cellulaire

Cours 2023-2024

Conférence - Harold E. Varmus : How Do Scientific Discoveries Affect the Way We Live? How Studies of a Chicken Virus Changed Cancer Therapy

Harold E. Varmus

Prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine


The main theme of the second lecture concerns the way in which fundamental biological research (as an example, my own work to identify and characterize the genes that produce cancers in animals) can produce important benefits for society (e.g., by leading to better treatments of common lethal human diseases, like cancer). I will also comment on the societal elements (commercial, regulatory, etc) required to change medical practice after scientific discoveries are made.